- All
- 100% cotton
- 1200d breathable waterproof rug
- 3 bridles
- 5 point breast plate
- 5 pt breast plate
- 5 stone bridle
- 600D weather proof rug
- absorbine
- Absorbine - Super Shine
- absorbine horsemans one step
- acriflavine
- acrisulph
- acrisulph ointment
- activator plate 3 way
- adds shine to coat
- adjustable
- adjustable dial fit
- adult dressage whip
- affordable
- agita
- AHS prevention
- airdry
- all animals
- all in one cleaning
- All Stone Bridle
- aluminium
- amino acids
- angles
- anti inflammatory
- anti oxidant
- antiseptic
- antobiotic spray horses
- appetite stimulant
- arnica ice
- arthritis
- aspiring baker and rider
- attractive
- attractive boots
- attractive bridle
- attractive stitching
- bacteria
- bait
- baking
- bale bags
- bandage fillers
- bandage pads
- bandages
- bath in a bottle
- beautiful
- beautiful white stitching
- beautifully boxed
- bedazzle
- bedazzled elegance
- bell boots
- belt
- belts
- bergafat
- beverage
- biotin
- bit guards
- black
- black breeches
- blanket
- blanket accessory
- blend of vitamins
- bling
- blood oxygenation
- blood tonic
- blood tonic powder
- blue numnah
- blue or red
- blue steel cap
- body brush
- bonding time
- bone and tendon
- bone promoter
- booster
- booster plus
- bottle opener
- bowl
- bowl with horse
- bracelet
- braiding bands
- breast plate
- breastplate
- breathable
- breathable lycra
- breathe-ease
- Breeches
- Bridle
- bridle bags
- bristled brush
- brown trimming
- brush on
- bucket
- burgundy hay net
- buzz off
- buzz off fly spray
- C =comfort
- calm
- calm horse
- calmeze
- calming
- calming effect
- calming paste
- cane
- canvas
- cap
- carabiner snap hook
- card making kit
- cards
- casual wear
- cavalier
- Chaps
- chaps for kids
- charcoal
- cheek guards
- childrens chaps
- chilly days and / night
- chilly times
- citronella
- citronella gel
- class
- clean and protected
- clean and tidy
- cleaner for tack
- clothes bag
- coat
- coat growth
- coat shine
- coat whitener
- cohesive
- collection
- colorful
- colour pop
- colourful
- colourful treads
- colourless
- comfort
- comfort and support
- comfort gel handle
- comfortability
- comfortable
- comfortable fit
- comfortable removable padding
- comfortable strap
- compositi
- compositi stirrups
- compression gate break handle
- conditioner
- conditioning
- consumable
- consumables
- contrasting white stitching
- cookie cutter
- cookie cutter horse shape
- cookie cutter pony shape
- cool colours
- cooling gel
- corn oil
- corrector pad
- cotton wool
- coupler
- craftmanship
- creative
- creativity
- crib
- crib biter
- crib stop
- curry comb
- cushioned lunge ropes
- d rings
- D-Panthanol
- daily use
- dandy brush
- dappling
- day sheet
- dazzling shine
- dealing with stressful times
- decontaminate
- dehydrytated hooves
- delicious treats
- denim day sheet
- denim day sheet no neck
- denim day sheets
- denim horse wear
- dermavet
- designed for comfort
- detangler
- detoxify
- devils claw
- dewormer
- deworming every 3 to 6 months
- diamante
- diamante breast plate
- diamante bridle
- diamante halter
- digestive and immune support
- disinfectant
- dividers
- dog bandana
- dog blanket
- dog collar
- dog jersey
- Dog Treats
- dogs
- dressage
- dressage whip
- durable
- durable combo
- durable velcro straps
- durable zipper
- ear veil
- ears
- easy handling
- easy to use
- eazy boot
- effivet
- egg cup holders
- elasticated girth
- elastics
- electric fencing
- electrolyte
- elegance
- elegant
- elegant spoil
- encouraging
- endeavon
- endeavon feed supplement
- endeavon joint supplement
- endurance bridle
- energy
- enthusiast
- Eole AirPro
- essential item
- eventing
- everyday meals/elegant dining
- excitement
- expertly stitched
- extended nose protection
- extends life of leather
- extra grip
- extra shoulder support
- extra spark
- eye catching
- eye catching brown
- eye catching colours
- eye treatment
- eye-catching stripes
- f10
- F10 antiseptic liquid soap
- f10 germicidal ointment
- face brush
- fashinesta
- fashionable
- fashionable colors
- fat and energy
- fatfrank
- feed bucket
- feed supplement
- feed tray
- feeding
- feeds the nervous system
- fencing
- fenugreek seed
- fenushine
- fetlock boot
- finishing touch
- finishing touches
- fitted numnah
- flairs
- flay mask webbing
- flea treatment
- fleece bandages
- fleece blanket
- fleece cushions
- flexibility
- flexible peak
- flies and biting insects
- flowing lines
- fluffy
- fly
- fly bait
- fly control
- fly free stable
- fly mask
- fly mask comfort
- fly mask fleece
- fly mask with nose flap
- fly protection
- fly sheet
- fly sheets
- fly spray
- flymaster
- focus
- free spirited
- frequent use
- fresh
- front tendon boots
- full hood
- full hood rugs
- fun team
- fungi killed
- funky
- funky colours
- fur babies
- fur babies (dogs)
- gaiter
- gaiters
- garlic flakes
- garlic for horses
- garlic powder
- garment bag
- gcs max
- gel
- gel grip
- gel handle
- general hoof health
- germicidal
- gift
- gifts
- girth
- girths
- glitter
- glossy
- glycerine
- glycerine cleaner
- glycerine ichtamol
- gold stone bling
- good as gold paste
- good quality
- good quality fly mask
- gorgeous
- gorgeous black
- gp numnah
- grackle bridle
- grooming
- grooming bag
- grooming box
- grooming glove
- gut flora
- gymkhana
- hair
- Hairnet
- halter
- halter and lead
- halter and lead rope
- halter for horses
- halters
- hands free
- handy to use box
- hat bag
- hay
- hay bale bag
- hay net
- healing
- healing joint issues
- healthy coat
- healthy hoof
- healthy hooves
- healthy joints
- healthy skin
- healthy tissue growth
- helmet
- helmet bag
- high impact
- high impact strength
- high quality
- high quality leather
- high quality nylon
- highly visible effective
- himalayan salt lick
- home made
- home or stable
- honeyvale herbs
- hoodie
- hoof care
- hoof grease
- hoof growth
- hoof moisturiser
- hoof oil
- hoof paint
- hoof pick
- hoof protection
- hoof tar
- hoof varnish
- hooflex
- hooflex conditioner
- hormone balancing
- horse
- horse bandages
- horse blanket
- horse boots
- horse bridle
- horse calming
- horse care
- horse dewormer
- horse electrolyte
- horse energy
- horse feed
- horse fly prevention
- horse grooming
- horse hoodie
- horse lead rope
- horse maintenance
- horse mask
- horse massage
- horse muscle builder
- horse numnah
- horse pad
- horse passport
- horse riding accessories
- horse riding bags
- horse riding boots
- horse shampoo
- horse show
- horse show bag
- horse transit apparel
- horses
- horses coat shine
- horses eyes
- horses hoof
- horses water bucket
- horses wound
- horsey bank
- hydrated
- iceman
- immune system
- immunity
- immunity boost
- improve hoof condition
- improves airflow
- infection
- insulated
- intermediate insulator
- International Equine Safety standards
- jacket bag
- jewellery kit
- jodphurs
- Jodpurs
- joint and cartilage deterioration
- joint care
- joint supplement
- joints
- jump strap bridle
- jumping
- jumping crop
- jumping numnah
- key ring
- keyring
- kick pad girth
- kidney support
- kills ticks/mosquitoes
- kyron tick grease
- ladies
- ladies breeches
- lapel pin
- lead chain leather in brown
- lead chain. leather lead
- lead rope
- Leather
- leather 5 pt breast plate
- leather balm
- leather boots
- leather breast plate
- leather breastplate
- leather care
- Leather Chaps
- leather cleaner
- leather diamante breastplate
- leather halter
- leather kick pad girth
- leather lead chain in black
- leather long boots
- leather oil
- leather restore
- leather stirrup leathers
- leatherchaps
- leave in conditioner
- leggings
- lemon fresh
- letter card set
- lining
- liquid soap
- local is leka
- local is lekka
- long acting
- long lasting sheen
- long lasting shine
- long sleeve
- lucerne bag
- lunge
- lunge coupler
- lunge roller
- lunge rope
- lunge snake
- lunge whip
- lunging
- lunging rope
- lycra hoodie
- machine washable
- machine washable removable padding
- magnetic
- magnetic boot
- magnetic therapy
- maintenance
- making a statement
- martingale
- massage
- massage gun
- massage machine
- matches shape of saddle
- Medicine Boots
- mens
- merino square
- mexican bridle
- midge protection
- minerals
- minimal pressure
- minimise pressure
- minimises pressure
- miracle groom
- mixture of herbs
- modern styled
- moisture resistant
- moisturiser
- money box
- move forward
- msm
- mug
- mug with mare and foal
- muscle builder
- muscle up
- nail on insulator
- nasal flairs
- natural and effective
- natural repellant
- navy numnah
- neat
- neat and tidy storage
- neck
- Neck piece
- neck stretcher
- necklace
- necklace horse head
- neon tape
- neoprene
- neoprene girths
- no dark stains
- no greasy residue
- no mess
- no pressure bridle
- no rope burns
- no turn over reach boot
- normal healing
- numnah
- numnahs
- nutrients
- nutritional breakfast
- ointment
- olive
- one of a kind
- online horse blankets
- opthalmic
- outdoor rug
- over reach
- over reach boot
- over reach boots
- over reach boots with velcro
- overreach
- padded bridle
- paddock fencing
- panthox
- paper clips
- passionate
- passionate for ponies
- passport holder
- paste for horses
- pegaforte
- pegamax
- pegaquest
- pegasol
- perfect fit
- pesky flies
- pesky flies away
- pesky insects
- PH-balanced
- pharmacalm
- pimple gloves
- pink
- pink halter
- pink numnah
- pizazz
- place rosette
- plaiting
- plaiting elastics
- polar fleece blanket
- polar fleece day sheets
- polished precise look
- poliwire
- poultice
- powder for horses
- prance around
- precise stitching
- pressplus
- prevent hands drying out
- protection
- protexin
- protexin horses
- protexin soluble
- Puppies
- Puppy Treats
- quality leather
- quirky and fun
- racing bridle
- rain blankets
- rain sheets
- red numnah
- rein stoppers
- reins
- relax
- removable washable padding
- remove
- residue free
- rheumatism
- rider or horse care
- rider wear
- riding breeches
- Riding Chaps
- riding gear
- riding gloves
- riding tights
- ripstop fabric
- riser pad
- rope halter
- rosette
- rosette prizes
- royal feeds
- royal supplement
- rubber
- rubber bit guards
- rubber curry comb
- rubber mitt
- rubber over reach boots
- rubber reins
- Running martingale
- saddle
- saddle bag
- saddle for little people
- saddle pad
- safe
- safe keeping
- safety
- safety first
- salt and pepper
- salt and pepper shaker
- salt lick
- sanesa
- sassy
- seals wounds
- security
- self gift
- shampoo
- sheen
- shining coat
- shipping boots
- shoo fly
- short boots
- short sleeve
- show off
- Show Sheen
- shower proof
- showing
- showing cane
- showjumping
- showjumping crop
- showjumping kick pad
- shows
- Showsheen
- showsheen detangler
- skin allergies
- skin itch
- smart
- smart and professional
- snake
- snap hook
- snug as a bug
- socks
- soft leather
- soft stirrup leathers
- sole care
- sole hardener
- solid finish
- soothing relief
- space / storage
- space and storage
- special little person
- special meaning
- speed and jumping
- splash of color
- spoil
- sport
- sprinkle
- spur strap
- square merino saddle pad
- Stable blankets
- stable rug
- stafix
- stain remover
- start and end your day
- starter saddle
- starting little persons day
- stationery
- stickers
- sticky fly tape
- sticky tape
- stirrup leathers
- stirrup leathers soft
- stirrups
- stockholm tar
- storage
- stress mix
- stretcher
- strong
- strong and sturdy
- strong velcro
- sturdy
- sturdy zip
- style
- stylish
- subtle class
- suede seat
- supershine
- supplement
- supplements
- supporting liver
- synthetic wool saddle pad
- tack bag
- tack balm
- tack cleaner
- tack cleaning
- tail guard
- tailored
- tape buckle
- tape joiner
- tattoos
- tendon boots
- tendon protection
- tendon repair
- therapy
- thirst quenching
- tick grease
- tick prevention
- tickicide
- tog back
- toiletry bag; traveller
- travel boots
- travel with ease
- travelling
- treads
- treasures
- treatment
- trendy colours
- trucking boots
- tshirt
- ulcers
- ultra-modern
- ultra-modern colours
- uncomplicated style
- unique
- unique look
- unique use of colours
- uniquely styled
- unusual blending of colours
- unwelcome visitors
- unwelcome visitors out
- uptite
- uptite poultice
- used for dogs too
- UV resistant
- variety of sizes
- variety of sizes and colors
- velcro fastening
- ventilation slots
- vibrant colours
- virbrant colours
- vital item
- vitamin b
- vitamin b complex
- vitamin e
- vitamin h
- washable
- washable soft padding
- water bucket
- waterproof fabric
- Waterproof full hood rug
- webbed reins
- western mounted games
- white
- white breeches
- white jods white
- white stitching and silver piping
- wide flap
- wipe/spray
- with handle
- wooden sign
- wound care
- wound spray
- wounds
- wow factor
- xmas
- yeast infections
- yellow stitch breastplate
- yellow stitch bridle
- your little person
- zip boot
Compositi EOLE AirPro Stirrups with Studs
R2,037.00The EOLE AirPro Stirrups with studs are designed to provide maximum comfort and efficiency. The wide tread, fixed on a shock-absorbing layer, tilts backwards to follow the natural movement of the foot. This unique system releases tension in knees and joints. The stainless steel metal spikes offer a reinforced grip at all times.
Interchangeable eyelets offer the choice between a classic or perpendicular stirrup position.
Included: the complete set with standard and angled eyelets (45°). this set is also available in the Accessories section.Available in black and a option of a coloured tread.
- Advanced
- Not suitable for children under age 12
- Shock absorber (high comfort)
- Wide PRO ultra-grip treads with metal spikes (not interchangeable)
- 2 sets of eyelets supplied with each pair of stirrups (classic or angled position)
- Lightweight, stable and perfectly balanced stirrup
- Easy to maintain
- Shock and moisture resistant, even at low temperatures
- Very high quality technical polymer (tensile strength: > 700 kg)
Compositi EOLE AirSoft
R1,637.00The EOLE AirSoft Stirrups with a wide tread are designed to provide maximum comfort and efficiency. The wide tread, attached to a shock-absorbing layer, tilts backwards to follow the natural movement of the foot. This unique system releases tension in knees and joints.
Interchangeable eyelets offer the choice between a classic or perpendicular stirrup position.
Included: the complete set with standard and angled eyelets (45°). this set is also available in the Accessories section.
Available in black and a option of a coloured tread.
- Advanced
- Not suitable for children under age 12
- Shock absorber (high comfort)
- Ultra-comfort SOFT wide treads (not interchangeable)
- 2 sets of eyelets supplied with each pair of stirrups (classic or angled position)
- Lightweight, stable and perfectly balanced stirrup
- Easy to maintain
- Shock and moisture resistant, even at low temperatures
- Very high quality technical polymer (tensile strength: > 700 kg)
Compositi MATRIX Toe Cage KIDS
R500.00The MATRIX toe-cage prevents any risk of the foot slipping through the stirrup.
Designed to be easily installed on most standard stirrups, MATRIX is mainly designed for cross-country riding, trekking and endurance.
- Beginners and advanced riders
- Aids good positioning of foot in the stirrup
- Avoids foot movement through the stirrup in case of a fall
- Universal fitting for all standard stirrups
- Non-slip tread
- Easy to maintain
- Shock and moisture resistant, even at low temperatures
Compositi PREMIUM Soft Elastomere Treads
R200.00The Premium Soft Elastomere Treads come in many different colours. These treads are easy to change and are compatible with the PREMIUM stirrups.
Available in Adult and Kids range.
Compositi Stirrups PREMIUM
R565.00 – R650.00The Premium Stirrup is classic and elegant stirrup, which allows you to colour coordinate your tack. The stirrups come in…